Sunday, October 10, 2010

Install Oracle XE 10g on Ubuntu 10.10

Today morning I upgraded my notebook's operational system from Ubuntu 10.4, to Ubuntu 10.10. I did this today because I realised it is a good date to do it. Today, 10/10/2010, I upgraded to version Ubuntu 10.10. And I could not give another grade to Ubuntu Maverick: 10!

You should try it too. You can read some reasons to do this: 12 reasons to try Ubuntu 10.10

But this post is to explain something about installing Oracle XE 10g on Ubuntu. I know that there are many links telling you about this, and I am going to share the link I used to install Oracle database, which is almost perfect:
How to install Oracle 10g XE in 64-bit Ubuntu

I say almost perfect because I am not used to Linux, and I am remembering things these days, because since a long time ago I've been using only Windows 7. In the tutorial, they do not explain that the Oracle installer is going to install a 'oracle' user and you must log in using this user to start the listener and create your database.

Now you know! Only the user 'oracle', for security reasons, which I totally agree, has the permissions to create data on the oracle structure

So, after doing all what the link above explains, get used to use the 'oracle' user on the terminal, using the following command to change the user:

sudo -i -u oracle

Than, if you realise that you are not able to connect to the database due to TNS problems. Try to start the listener using the 'lsnrctl' tool. You can use the following command:

lsnrctl start

That's it. Now I am going to configure the users and start my applications! Good luck!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Good links to visit sometime

These are good links for IT people to visit and get more up-to-date!

- Alistair.Cockburn blog
- Three Rivers Institute Blog
- Tech Crunch
- Mashable
- High Scalability

I finish this post with the Agile manifesto described by Alistair Cockburn: Software development as a Cooperative Game

“Software development is a (series of) cooperative game(s), in which people use markers and props to inform, remind and inspire themselves and each other in getting to the next move in the game. The endpoint of the game is an operating software system; the residue of the game is a set of markers to inform and assist the players of the next game. The next game is the alteration or replacement of the system, or creation of a neighboring system.”

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Let's do it, let's do it, let's do it again!?

I am thinking about this. It is good to be up-to-date and if you are from technology side, you really need to be. Sometimes I don't know what I am and some people says that you need to specialize in something. All my life I played some different roles, and thank God and my hard work (need to recognize my part on this) I got success.
I am reading the PMBOK 4th, because I did not have time to see it yet. Here in Chile, far from people I care and love, I have some time to spend studying, practicing exercises, doing things that normally are difficult to do. So, maybe after this I can try the PMP test again, but this time I am going to take my time and be well prepared! So, like Black Eyed Peas let's do it, let's do it, let's do it again!

Medicine that cure, not that kills

It is a simple text, but that means everything. It is about life!! I got it from post that a friend add to his Facebook wall.

”Penso pessoalmente que diante de um feto que corre um risco, não há outra solução senão deixá-lo correr esse risco. Porque, se se mata, transforma-se o risco de 50% em 100% e não se poderá salvar em caso nenhum. Um feto é um paciente, e a medicina é feita para curar… Toda a discussão técnica, moral ou jurídica é supérflua: é preciso simplesmente escolher entre a medicina que cura e a medicina que mata”.

Author: Prof. Dr. Jéròme Lejeune

Think about this and I am pretty sure you will do the right choice.

P.S.: Sorry to not translate it to English.